Pop-Up Bookshop Enterprise Days
Students divide into teams, and learn how to create a brand, plan, put together a pitch, and present a business model to compete for the chance to setup a micro-business and run their very own pop-up bookshop.
We turn up with experienced facilitators and all the resources to run a full-day workshop.
The students present their pitches in a showcase at the end of the day.
Winning teams then run a pop-up bookshop at a later time, turning your school hall in to a vibrant student-run book market.
We come back with the stock for the winning team, so they can sell the actual books that the teams have researched and selected during the enterprise day.
The school keeps the profits from the student run pop-up bookshop to use for buying books from the book fair for the school library and book corners.
To enhance literacy levels alongside supporting reading for pleasure.
To encourage promoting reading and book recommendation sharing among students.
To promote inclusive reading material for students with which they can identify, be it through gender, class, ethnicity or family structure.
To boost enterprise, entrepreneurial and initiative skills in children.
Provide opportunities for children to apply their S.T.E.M subject skills in practical applications.
Increase students’ confidence and ability to form opinions, make choices, communicate, compromise, plan, debate, speak publicly, and respond constructively to advice.
Understand a social venture business model: using business for social change.
To introduce expert professionals with industry experience and allow students to explore pathways into publishing and the wide range of employment opportunities.
To produce a quality enterprise learning experience.
Prices start at £600 plus VAT for a single class in schools within South London.
Please contact us as our prices will vary based on travel, the size of your group and the number of your students entitled to Pupil Premium.
We know that budgets are tight, so please think about the cross-curricular benefits and consider sharing the cost across subject budgets.